asana: farmer’s walk

yogabook / asanas / farmer’s walk

„farmer’s walk“

  instructions and details with working links as PDF for download/print

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last update: 23.2.2020
Name: __
Trivial name: Dumbbell walk / Farmer’s walk
Level: A


Classical: Functional exercise





Derived asanas:

Similar asanas:

Diagnostics (no.)

(293) Tone of the trapezius

In this pose, an increased tone of the trapezius becomes noticible by an intensely stretching sensation, which should slowly decrease in the course of execution. After the pose, the resting tone should be perceived as at least slightly reduced.

(422) Strength of the finger flexors

The inability to hold the barbell in the power grip for longer at all or without this being limited by a tendency to cramp indicates a lack of strength / strength endurance of the finger flexors.

(423) Tone of the finger flexors

The tone of the finger flexors can be increased to such an extent that they tend to cramp even with short-term exertion.



  1. Take 2 dumbbells of an appropriate weight (see details).
  2. Leave your arms loose (except for the grip strength of the forearm) and let your shoulder blades drop in depression.
  3. Walk with the dumbbells in your hands for as long as your grip strength allows.


  1. This surprisingly simple exercise allows you to relax the trapezius, which tends to be chronically tense in many people.
  2. Of course, in most cases the limiting factor is the weakening of the grip or fatigue of the forearm muscles.
  3. Be careful not to fall into a hollow back. Under load in the upper extremity, this inclination is increased and the force exerted by the hip extensors such as the hamstrings on the back of the thigh or the glutes must be consciously increased.
  4. Make no effort to influence the kinetics of the arms. Also take care not to lift the shoulder blades involuntarily.
  5. Depending on their muscular make-up, women can start with no less than 5-7 kg, while men should start with 7-10 kg.
  6. This position may be contraindicated for golfer’s elbow. It is also contraindicated if there is (rare) inferior impingement of the shoulder or a tendency towards it.
  7. If there is damage to the musculoskeletal system in the back, pelvis and legs/feet that prohibits further weight bearing, this pose also is contraindicated or the potential benefits must be weighed against the risks.

known problems that can occur even when executed correctly

Tendency of the forearm muscles to cramp
After some time, some muscles of the forearm can take on an increased tone in the direction of cramp.