asana: spread the toes

yogabuch / asanas / spread the toes

„Spread the toes“

  instructions and details with working links as PDF for download/print

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last update: 9/29/2019
Trivia name: Spread your toes
Level: A


classic: functional exercise





derived asanas:

similar asanas:

Diagnostics (No.)



  1. Sit in dandasana without socks.
  2. Bend the right leg strongly so that the foot is about 30 cm in front of the pelvis and tilt it outwards by about 20° at the hip joint.
  3. Reach around the outside of the right leg with the right arm.
  4. Slide the proximal phalange (the first phalanx) of the little finger of the right hand into the space between the 4th and 5th („little“) toes.
  5. Press on the proximal phalange of the little toe of the right foot with the largely extended 2nd („index“) finger of the left hand and on the proximal phalange of the 4th toe of the right foot with the largely extended 4th („ring“) finger of the left hand. Grasp the end phalanx of the 4th toe with the thumb and 3rd („middle“) finger of the left hand to pull it further out between the two fingers of the right hand and press the two fingers of the right hand further into the spaces between toes 3 and 4 and between toes 4 and 5.
  6. Repeat the described procedure with the other fingers and spaces between the toes until all fingers are positioned with their proximal phalanges in the spaces between the respective proximal phalanges of the toes as best as possible.
  7. Close the right hand in the direction of a fist to press the fingers into the spaces between the toes as far as possible.
  8. Now fold the fingers of the left hand into the spaces between the toes of the left foot, whereby the method described above of using the fingers of the other hand to improve the folding is no longer available. Instead, the thumb and index finger of the right hand can no longer be used to pull on the toes of the left foot.


  1. The proximal phalanges should be brought into the spaces between the toes instead of others because these are the thickest.
  2. Start with the space between the toes with the smallest toes, as it would be much more difficult the other way round.
  3. If the sitting position is difficult because the pelvis tends to tilt significantly backwards, sit on an elevation, supporting the „rear edge“ of the buttocks in particular, so that the pelvis straightens more easily.