muscle: scalenus anterior

yogabook / muscles / scalenus anterior


Halsmuskulatur, ventral Longus capitis Scalenus anterior Longus Colli Rectus capitis lateralis Rectus capitis anterior Longus Colli Longus Colli Scalenus medius Longus Colli Scalenus posterior Longus Colli

M. scalenus anterior

The scaleni are divided into three parts: in addition to the scalenus anterior, there is also the scalenus medius and the scalenus posterior.
Origin: processus transversi of HW 3-6
Attachment: Tuberculum musculi scaleni anterioris of the 1st rib
Movement: innervated on one side: Lateral flexion of the cervical spine; bilateral: flexion of the cervical spine; inspiration by lifting the 1st rib