muscle: short intervertebrals

yogabook / muscles / short intervertebrals


kurze Intervertebrale Rotatores longi Rotatores breves Multifidi Intertransversarii Interspinales Semispinales

The short autochthonous back muscles are divided as shown on the map. They extend as interspinales from one spinous process to the next or as interspinales from one spinous process to a more distant spinous process.

The rotatores move as rotatores breves from a transverse process to the spinous process of the cranial vertebra or as rotators longi from a transverse process to the spinous process of the next-but-one cranial vertebra.

Muscles between transverse processes and more cranial spinous processes are called multifidi if they span between 3 and 5 segments. If they span more than 5 segments, they are called semispinalis.

The more segments they span, the more superficial they are.

Intertransversarii move from one transverse process to the next.