pathology: heat stroke

yogabook / pathologie / heat stroke

heat stroke

Definition of

Disturbance of heat regulation after prolonged exposure to heat and obstruction of heat dissipation. Distinguish between 4 forms of heat damage:

  1. Heat exhaustion
  2. Heat stroke
  3. Heat cramps
  4. Sunstroke

ICD >T67


  1. Large supply of heat from outside (above body temperature)
  2. Obstruction of heat dissipation


due to circulatory decompensation :

  1. Headache
  2. Possible unconsciousness
  3. Dizziness
  4. Nausea
  5. Temperature > 40°
  6. Tachycardia
  7. Blood pressure initially increased (red phase), later decreased (second phase)
  8. Skin red, dry (red phase), later gray-cyanotic (second phase)
  9. Somnolence


  1. Emergency doctor
  2. Raise your upper body
  3. Cool down to 38°
  4. Cold compresses, especially on the neck
  5. Electrolyte substitution
  6. O2 administration
  7. Temperature and blood pressure control