pathology: muscle cramp

yogabook / pathologie / muscle cramp

muscle cramp

Definition of

Involuntary strong, painful muscle tension that is not adequate for the load. Non-neurological muscle cramps at rest are often caused by a calcium deficiency, stress-induced cramps are usually caused by a magnesium deficiency


– Behavior

  1. Overuse of the muscles
  2. Use of the muscles in very short sarcomere lengths
  3. Hyperventilation

– Metabolic factors / supply

  1. Primary (diet-related, increased requirement) or secondary (prolonged diarrhea, IBD, celiac disease, MAS, alcohol consumption, diabetes mellitus, kidney disease, medication) hypomagnesemia
  2. Primary (diet-related, increased requirement, insufficient daylight exposure) or secondary (prolonged diarrhea, IBDs, celiac disease, MAS, hypomagnesemia, albumin deficiency, chronic kidney disease, acute pancreatitis, gastrinoma, bulimia, endocrine imbalances [hypo-PTH, hypercalcitonin, hypo-vitamin D3], antiepileptic drugs) hypocalcemia
  3. Hyponatremia
  4. Hypokalemia
  5. medicinal
  6. Internal causes: Circulatory disorders [arterial or venous], leg edema, uremia

– Musculoskeletal system

  1. Orthopaedic causes
  2. Muscle diseases

– Other factors

  1. neurological (various, e.g. ALS, polyneuropathies)


  1. Gravidity


  1. Cramp-like muscle pain with increased tone and reduced range of motion, increased pain on stretching


  1. Interrupting the load
  2. Do not cool
  3. Stretching as an immediate intervention (autogenic inhibition through golgi receptors) and regular prevention, several times a day for at least 30 seconds each time, at least three times a day.
  4. Tensing the antagonists
  5. Electrolyte replacement
  6. If the pain persists after 48 hours, clarification of a strain