pathology: reactive arthritis / Reiter’s disease

yogabook / pathologie / Reactive arthritis / Reiter’s disease

Reactive arthritis / Reiter’s disease / Reiter-Trias, Reiter-Tetrade

Definition of

Genetic disposition: 80% are HLA-B27 positive. Wei ankylosing spondylitis is preceded by a urogenital infection or enteritis, whereupon the disease breaks out after a latency phase of 2-6 weeks:

  1. Two different origins:
  2. GIT infections: frequently Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter
  3. UGT infections: Gonococci, ureaplasma, chlamydia

ICD M02.30


  1. Reactive to infection, probably autoimmunological


  1. HLA-B27 positive



  1. BSG, CRP elevated
  2. Detection of pathogens or AK


  1. Reactive arthritis: post-infectious autoimmunological oligoarthritis of the large joints of the lower extremities, sometimes also of the finger and toe joints, spinal column involvement, heel pain, iritis, conjunctivitis, myocarditis, aortitis, myositis
  2. Rider triad:
  3. or rider tetrad:
  4. B-symptomatics
  5. Possibly sacroileitis
  6. Possibly spondylarthritis
  7. painful tendon insertions
  8. If the upper extremity is affected, small joints are more likely to be affected
  9. rarely erythema nodosum
  10. Possible nail changes


  1. Pancarditis
  2. Pleurisy


  1. symptomatic) Antirheumatic drugs
  2. high-dose vitamin E
  3. intra-articular cortisone
  4. NSAIDs if necessary
  5. 80% heal spontaneously after 1 a


  1. with additional spondylarthritis: ankylosing spondylitis