asana: prasarita savasana

yogabuch / asanas / prasarita savasana

prasarita savasana
„straddled dead position / body position“

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last update: 22.11.2020
Name: prasarita savasana
Trivial name: straddled death pose / corpse pose
Level: A


classic: lying posture
psychomental: relaxation and introversion
physiological: resting posture with stretching of some adductors, especially the pectineus





derived asanas:

similar asanas:

Diagnostics (No.)


with weight on the thighs


  1. Lie as in savasana except that the legs are straddled to the maximum. To prevent them from sliding towards each other, this pose is performed with the feet pressed against the wall as standard.


  1. In principle, all the comments made in savasana apply, but this pose is practiced less as a relaxation pose and exercise in pratyahara and more to stretch the pectineus, which can be quite intense. See the explanatory entry in the FAQ.

Known problems that can occur even when practiced correctly

Hollow back
Shortened hip flexors and adductors can lead to a certain degree of hollow back.

Heartburn can occur in the event of obstructive disorders of the stomach or oesophagus or hyperacidity of the stomach. This is not tolerable. In these cases, a different posture with a raised or at least slightly sloping upper body is recommended.

Hyperkyphosis of the thoracic spine
Hyperkyphosis of the thoracic spine (hunchback) can make it uncomfortable or even painful to lie with your back on the floor. For some people with hyperkyphosis, lying on their back in bed may still be bearable, but not on the floor. In order not to have to do without savasana, you can try appropriate blankets under the upper thoracic spine, the cervical spine, the head and the lower back. However, this must be considered on a case-by-case basis and depending on other factors, in particular hyperlordosis of the lumbar spine, shortening of the hip flexors, hyperlordosis of the cervical spine resulting in excessive reclination of the head.


with weight on the thighs


  1. Perform prasarita savasana as described above. A supporter places weights on both thighs as tolerated so that they remain as close to the floor as possible and the hip joint remains as stretched as possible.


  1. The weights stretch the hip joint and therefore lead to better stretching of the pectineus in particular.
  2. This variation can be particularly helpful if the iliopsoas is not very flexible or the adductors are stiff. However, you should not feel an uncomfortable hollow back.