yogabook / explorations / rotate lower leg
Rotate lower leg

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last update: 30.5.2003
Name: Rotate lower leg
- Classification
- Contraindication
- Effects
- Preparation
- Follow-up
- derived asanas
- similar asanas
- Diagnostics
- Instructions
- details
- Variants
- Sit on a chair. Lift your right foot off the floor and take your thigh in your left arm.
- Turn your lower leg in and out alternately and feel the outer back of your thigh close to your knee with your right hand.
- Then take the thigh in your right arm and palpate the inner back of the thigh near the knee with your left hand while continuing to turn the lower leg inand out.
- This exploration shows that it is the internal ischiocrurals that rotate the lower leg in and the leg biceps that rotate the lower leg out. Apart from the monoarticular popliteus, which is responsible for cancelling the final rotation, these muscles are the only ones that rotate the lower leg.