muscle: adductor magnus

yogabook / muscles / adduktor magnus


Muskeln Übersichtskarte Pectineus Obturator externus Adduktor magnus Adduktor brevis Adduktor longus Adduktor magnus Adduktor magnus Vastus medialis Qudratus lumborum Psoas minor Psoas_major Iliacus Tensor fasciae latae Pectineus Sartorius Rectus femoris Quadrizeps Vastus lateralis Ilocapsularis Articularis genus

M. adductor magnus

the large adductor muscle, which is the only one with an endorotatory function and, as it also attaches to the ischium, also the only adductor muscle with an extensor function.
Pars pubofemoralis: Ramus inferior ossis pubis of the pubis
Pars ischiocondylaris: ramus ossis ischii to ischial tuberosity of the ischium
Attachment: dorsal femur: inner groin (labium mediale) of the linea aspera
Movement: Extension and abduction, of the femur in the hip joint, depending on the part additionally endorotation or exorotation in the hip joint