muscle: supraspinatus

yogabook / muscles / supraspinatus


Muskeln Trizeps caput longum Trizeps caput laterale Supraspinatus Deltoideus pars spinalis Infraspinatus Teres minor Teres major Latissimus dorsi

M. supraspinatus

scapulohumeral muscle of the shoulder girdle, as lateral abductor of the arm extending from the upper inner posterior scapula to the upper posterior outer humerus
Origin: supraspinous fossa of the scapula
Attachment: Tuberculum majus of the humerus
Innervation: Nervus suprascapularis from Plexus brachialis (C4-C6)
Movement: Holds the humerus in the socket, abduction of the arm (up to approx. 70°), (slight) exorotation


Jobe-(Empty Can) Test, Drop Arm Zeichen