yogabook / muscles / levator scapulae

M. levator scapulae
truncoscapulae (truncozontal) muscle of the shoulder girdle that pulls from the 1st-4th cervical vertebrae to the upper inner edge of the scapula(cranial part of the margo medialis), lifts the scapula upwards(elevation), swivels the inferior angular muscle medially in conjunction with other muscles, thus canceling out the external rotation of the scapula, and is also involved in the lateral inclination and rotation of the neck.
Origin: Transverse processes of the 1st and 2nd cervical vertebrae, posterior tuberosity of the 3rd and 4th cervical vertebrae
Attachment: Angulus superior and margo medialis of the scapula
Innervation: Nervus dorsalis scapulae (C4-C5), a branch of the plexus brachialis with firbes from C3 – C5