yogabook / muscles / rhomboideus major
M. rhomboideus major
truncoscapular (truncozontal) muscle of the shoulder girdle pulling from the 1st-4th thoracic vertebrae to the inner edge of the shoulder blade, which pulls the shoulder blade towards the spine, i.e. retracts it and pulls it towards the rib cage and pulls it upwards so that it rotates outwards, lies deeper than the trapezius.
Origin: spinous processes of the 1st-4th thoracic vertebrae, supraspinous ligament
Attachment: Margo medialis of the shoulder blade
Innervation: Nervus dorsalis scapulae, a branch of plexus brachialis from C5, sometimes also C4 or C6
Movement: Retraction of the scapula, lifts it cranially(elevation) and medially (retraction)