pathology: torn ligaments

yogabook / pathologie / torn ligaments

torn ligaments

Definition of

Tearing of one or more ligaments. Common: knee (cruciate or collateral ligament), ankle (outer ligament), outer finger ligaments, metacarpophalangeal joint of the thumb

ICD T14, S93


  1. direct trauma


  1. as with ligament stretching


  1. X-ray or in the case of the knee: MRI (purely diagnostic arthroscopy is malpractice)


  1. Possibly (usually whipping) noise during rupture
  2. Pain at rest and especially pain on exertion, passive and active pain on movement
  3. Swelling
  4. Instability of the joint, abnormal flexibility
  5. Hematoma


  1. Arthrosis riskin the absence of treatment


  1. PECH:
  2. Depending on joint, age, stability of the joint KG, possibly surgery (e.g. cruciate ligament tear, triple ankle tear)