pathology: ramus infrapatellaris syndrome

yoga book / pathology / ramus infrapatellaris syndrome


  1. Ramus infrapatellaris syndrome is a disorder based on irritation of the saphenous nerve, which supplies the inner side of the thigh and lower leg below the patella in the direction of the tuberosity of the tibia. The irritations are usually caused by direct trauma. The passage through the subcutaneous fascia may be impaired, resulting in a nerve bottleneck syndrome/ nerve compression syndrome. This can be caused by a haematoma. Various knee procedures can cause this disorder, from arthroscopy to cruciate ligament plastic surgery or TEP. This disorder can also occur in the context of diabetes mellitus. The symptoms worsen under stress, such as when standing or walking. As the knee joint is one with a very high density of possible entities, orthopaedic clarification of disorders of the knee joint as well as spinal problems and additional neurological examinations are recommended.


  1. traumatic
  2. Metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus
  3. iatrogenic (interventions on the knee)



  1. High-resolution ultrasound
  2. Positive diagnostic blockade identifies the causative nerve/branch


  1. cutting, burning or electrifying sensations in the area of the ventral inner knee approximately from medial next to the patella to the caudal patellar pole and down to the tuberositas tibiae, which often occur depending on the load.
  2. possibly only general „knee pain“ emphasised more mediocaudally, similar to that caused by damage to the internal meniscus



  1. If necessary, denervation with thermocoagulation using radiofrequency therapy