pathology: repetitive strain injury syndrome

yogabook / pathologie / repetitive strain injury syndrome

Repetitive Strain Injury Syndrome (RSI, „mouse arm“, „secretary’s disease“, occupational overuse syndrome)

Definition of

Overuse syndrome acquired over a longer period of time (months, years). The arms and hands are usually affected, with the shoulders and neck being affected less frequently. Frequently repeated movements can cause microtraumas that often do not heal until the next series of demands. It is possible that the slight sensation of pain during movement becomes part of the neurological „movement program“, which can result in a pain memory. In the USA, RSI is the No. 1 occupational disease!



  1. Very frequent repetitive movements, especially in the hand/finger area


  1. Screen work, frequent typing and mouse operation
  2. Ergonomic deficiencies
  3. Cold during the triggering activity


  1. mainly clinical, exclusion of related diseases such as tendovaginitis, carpal tunnel syndrome


  1. Early symptoms (only with prolonged exposure):
  2. develop later:
  3. in the late stage: persistent pain even with prolonged rest, symptoms only begin to subside after weeks


  1. Recurrences
  2. Chronification


  1. Rest, but not immobilization
  2. Pain diary
  3. Ergonomic improvements
  4. More frequent interruptions of stressful movements with other movements/activities
  5. KG
  6. Strengthening, stretching
  7. Caution: pain-relieving medication can promote chronification!
  8. Relaxation techniques
  9. Balneotherapy
  10. Physical therapy(cold/heat)
  11. In case of chronification: psychotherapy
  12. Sport has a prophylactic effect