bone: ilium (os ilium)

yogabook / bones / ilium


ilium as part of the hip bone, next to it pubic bone, ischium (Linkmap)

Hüftbein Darmbein Sitzbein Schambein SIAS SIAI PSIS Acetabulum Foramen obturatum Schambeinhöcker Sitzbeinhöcker Labrum acetabuli Crista iliaca Schambeinsymphyse

The ilium is the wing-like part of the pelvis that holds and protects the intestines from the dorsal side, hence the name. It articulates with the sacrum in the SIJ and meets the ischium and pubic bone in the acetabulum.


  • SIJ(sacroiliac joint, sacroiliac articulation)
  • Hip joint (Art. sacroiliaca)
