exploration: place bent arm over head

yogabuch / exploration / place bent arm over head

Place bent arm over head

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last change: 13.2.2022
Name: Bend arm over head


  1. Stand in tadasana.
  2. Take the right upper arm overhead in 180° frontal abduction and elevate the shoulder blade.
  3. Bend the corresponding elbow joint 90°.
  4. Turn the arm out so that the forearm is centred above the head in the frontal plane.
  5. Now bend the elbow joint to the maximum.
  6. Depress the right shoulder blade and observe how the inclination of the right forearm changes (e.g. in a mirror) or how far the right wrist rises.


  1. This exploration shows the degree of elevation possible in the right shoulder blade when the arm is in the overhead position. It is well known that the degree of possible elevation in shoulder joints with little overhead movement (in the sense of frontal abduction) is quite limited compared to a non-abducted posture. This exploration helps to familiarise yourself with this effect and to assess its magnitude. Naturally, the stroke of the scapula with the arm in the overhead position, i.e. the ROM between elevation and depression, increases with increasing mobility until finally there is hardly any recognisable difference to the ROM with a non-abducted arm.
  2. In addition to the height of the right elbow or the right wrist, the angle of the forearm can also be viewed or measured in space.