exploration: caturkonasana arm pose

yogabook / explorations / caturkonasana arm pose

Caturkonasana arm pose

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last update: 30.5.2003
Name: caturkonasana arm pose


  1. Stand in tadasana and assume urdhva hastasana.
  2. Pronate the forearms to the maximum and cross them so that the palms of the hands are on top of each other. Maintain maximum exorotation of the arms. Extend the elbow joints, if possible behind the head.
  3. Raise your arms with your shoulder blades to the maximum(elevation).
  4. Press your palms together as forcefully as possible.


  1. This posture exercises the lateral adduction of the arms from an approximately end-degree position. The muscles involved, such as the latissimus dorsi, teres major and teres minor, are felt and strengthened. In addition, the shoulder blades move further laterally, i.e. away from the spine. This effect depends not only on the strength of the lateral adductors of the shoulder joint but also on the tension of the retractors of the shoulder blades, which restricts the movement.
  2. Once the movement has been found, you should practise both pressing your hands together forcefully and repeatedly increasing and decreasing the tension.
  3. If the shoulder joints are less mobile in the direction of frontal abduction, the elbow joints usually cannot be extended because the head is in the way.
  4. Of course, you should practise both possible crossings of the arms. One of the two will feel easier or more familiar, it is then the other that should be slightly favoured.