yogabook / functional exercises / pronation on blocks

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last updated: 27 Sep 2024
Name: pronation on blocks
Level: A
- Classification
- Contraindication
- Effects
- Preparation
- Follow-up
- derived asanas
- similar asanas
- Diagnostics
- Instructions
- Details
- Variants
classic: functional exercise
physiological: stretching of some supinators of the ankle and promotion of pronation ability
For foot deformities with variation of the calcaneus like kinkfoot, often associated with splayfoot or flat foot, the exercise should only be performed if clearly indicated,
- (861) Stretching of the supinators of the ankle
derived asanas:
similar asanas:
Regarding the pronation: malasana
Diagnostics (no.)
- Use two shoulder support plates or four blocks so that they rest in the centre of the floor and are supported laterally by a block, i.e. form two surfaces inclined towards the horizontal.
- Place the feet on the resulting support so that both ankles are in pronation.
- Make sure that the objects are mechanically strong enough and do not bend too much.
- The closer the feet are to each other, the greater the pronation.
- This exercise is a good substitute for malasana, which may not be possible with various disorders of the knee joints. is not feasible because a wide bending of the knee joints is prohibited.

Alternative: on a tilted balance board

- Place a shoulder stand plate on one side of a block so that an inclined plane is created. If the shoulder stand plate bends too much under the weight of the body and the effect of the exercise is therefore too small or if the shoulder stand plate threatens to break, place two blocks one behind the other across a block.
- Place one foot on the inclined plane constructed in this way so that the medial edge of the foot is lower than the lateral edge. Take all the weight off the other leg.
- The one-legged version is the more effective. In some cases, the two-legged version is felt to be ineffective, so that the one-legged version must be used.
- Instead of the above-mentioned construction using standard aids, you can also practise on a tilted balance board if available.