yogabook / muscles / extensor digitorum longus
M. extensor digitorum longus
Foot lifter and toe lifter (2-5) located on the lateral front of the lower leg, also pronator in the USG
Origin: anterior edge (margo anterior) and head (caput fibulae) of the fibula, lower edge of the lateral condyle of the tibia (condylus lateralis tibiae), interosseous membrane and fascia of the lower leg (fascia cruris)
Attachment: Base of the middle and foremost phalanges of the toe 2?5
Innervation: Nervus fibularis profundus, L4-S1
Movement: Dorsiflexion of the toes(metatarsophalangeal and interphalangealjoints ) and dorsiflexion of the foot(OSG), pronation in the lower ankle joint
Strengthening postures (982): when the toes are pressed to the floor, strengthen supta virasana and virasana
Stretching postures (981): virasana, supta virasana, baddha padasana, 5th hip opening