yogabook / muscles / gluteus medius
M. gluteus medius
the medial pomus muscle, located laterally between the gluteus minimus and gluteus maximus, stabilizes the pelvis against tilting in the frontal plane. Positive Trendelenburg’s sign and Duchenne’s sign indicate weakness of the gluteus medius.
Origin: Crista iliaca and facies glutaea of the ilium
Attachment: greater trochanter of the femur
Innervation: Nervus gluteus superior (Wurzel L4, L5 und S1)
Movement: Abduction, ventral part additionally: endorotation and flexion in the hip joint, dorsal part additionally: exorotation and extension in the hip joint
Strength: Duchenne-sign (waddling gait), Trendelenburg-sign
Flexibility: definite yoga kleine Gluteen Verkuerzungstest in Hüftöffnung am Mattenrand