muscle: gluteus maximus

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Linkmap: Gluteus maximus

Muskeln Gluteus maximus Trochanter major Tractus iliotibialis Bizeps femoris Semitendinosus Semimembranosus Adduktor magnus Gracilis Steißbein Spina iliaca posterior superior Spina iliaca anterior superior Crista iliaca

Gluteus maximus

the powerful large pomus muscle (one of three gluteus muscles) is the strongest extensor of the hip joint and one of the most important muscles for powerful, fast walking and running and especially for deep squats. It is often shortened in athletes, stretches: half lotus forward bend, hip opener 3, malasana.
Origin: Crista iliaca, SIPS, fascia thoracolumbalis, coccyx
Attachment: Iliotibial tract, part of the fascia latae, gluteal tuberosity and lateral intermuscular femoral septum of the femur
Innervation: Nervus gluteus inferior, a branch of plexus sacralis (L5-S2)
Movement: Extension, exorotation and abduction in the hip joint(cranial part)/adduction(caudal part)