joint: rib joints

yogabook / joints / rib joints

Image: ventral rib joints

Sternum Intercostales_externi Intercostales_innterni Scaleni Serratus anterior

Rib joints

The ribs merge ventrally into rib cartilage and in the case of ribs 1 – 7 (costae verae, „true“ ribs) as such have a direct joint with the sternum, the sternocostal joint Art. sternocostalis. Dorsally, they insert into the costovertebral joint, two different individual joints with the vertebra:

  • Articulationes capitis costae
  • Articulationes costotransversariae

Art. capitis costae (rib head joint)

The rib head joint is a swivel joint in which the rib head rotates on the articular surface of two adjacent vertebrae of the thoracic spine in the superior and inferior costal foveae.
Two ligaments stabilize the joint alongside the capsule:

In ribs 2 to 10, the capitis costae intraarticular ligament divides the joint into two separate chambers. The 1st, 11th and 12th ribs usually articulate with only one vertebral body, which is why the joint capsule has only one chamber.

Art. costotransversariae (rib transverse process joint)

The art. costotransversarium is a sliding joint (flat joint) in which the tuberculum costae moves along the fovea costalis of the processus transversus. This joint is missing in ribs 11 and 12. The joints are secured by three ligaments:

Art. sternocostalis

For a more detailed description of the sternocostal joint, see there.


Thoracic vertebra body with articular surfaces from ventral

Thoracic vertebra body with articular surfaces from the lateral

Thoracic vertebra body (part of) from lateral

Sternum with articular surfaces from the side

Thoracic vertebra body with articulated surfaces

Ribs 1 and 2 with sternocostal joints and sternochondral joints (1) (image links to linkmap)

Ribs 1 and 2 with sternocostal joints and sternochondral joints (1) (image links to linkmap)