yogabook / joints
The most important joints of the musculoskeletal system are explained here. On other pages there are a general introduction in the joint and an overview of joint shapes.
Acromioclavicular joint (acromioclavicular joint, AC joint)
Chopart joint/joint line
Elbow joint
Facet joint
Finger joints in general (proximal, medial, distal)
Metacarpophalangeal joint
Ankle joint (all joints in the foot)
Wrist joint
Hand: overview, all bones and joints
Hip joint
Interphalangeal joint
Sacroiliac joint (sacroiliacjoint)
Knee joint
Costovertebral joint
Lisfranc joint/joint line
Scapulothoracic „joint“ (correct: scapulothoracic bearing)
Shoulder joint (glenohumeral joint)
Sternoclavicular joint
Sternocostal joint
Vertebral joint
Vertebral column
Metatarsophalangeal joints