yogabook / muscles / quadratus lumborum

M. quadratus lumborum
In addition to the movements mentioned, the quadratus lumborum is an expiratory respiratory muscle and pulls the lowest rib downwards
Origin: iliac bone(crista iliaca), iliolumbar ligament, transverse process of the 5th lumbar vertebra
Insertion: lower edge of the lowest rib, transverse processes of the 1st-3rd lumbar vertebrae
Innervation: ventral branches of spinal nerves Th12-L3
Movement: lowering of the lowest (12th) rib, with unilateral innervation: lateral trunk flexion or elimination of the contralateral lateral trunk flexion, stabilization of the lower ribs against the pull of the diaphragm. With bilateral innervation: extension of the lumbar spine
Strengthening postures(552): trikonasana – the less supported the more, ardha chandrasana – the less supported the more
Stretching pos es(551): Trunk side bend seated, parivrtta janu sirsasana, parivrtta parsva upavista konasana