muscle: serratus anterior

yogabook / muscles / serratus anterior


Muskeln Subclavius Pectoralis major Serratus anterior Pectoralis minor Deltoideus Coracobrachialis Subscapularis Pectoralis major Teres major Coracobrachialis Latissimus dorsi Bizeps Brachialis brachioradialis Trapezius Sternocleidomastoideus Pectoralis major Latissimus dorsi Serratus anterior Trizeps (caput longum) Trizeps (caput mediale)

Serratus anterior

Arises laterally at the front of the 1st-9th rib and attaches to various areas of the shoulder blade

  1. pars superior attaches to the upper medial edge of the shoulder blade,
  2. pars intermedia attaches to the entire medial edge of the shoulder blade,
  3. pars inferior attaches to the lower medial edge of the shoulder bladeand turns the shoulder blade outwards at the bottom and pulls it forwards

All 3 parts pull the scapula forward(antagonist: rhomboid muscles). Pars superior and inferior together press the scapula against the rib cage (synergists: Mm. rhomboidei). Pars inferior pulls the angulus inferior of the scapula forward for elevation of the arm. Conversely, if the scapula is fixed, they can also serve as inspiratory respiratory support muscles.
Origin: Pars superior: 1st – 2nd rib; Pars intermedia: 2nd – 3rd rib; Pars inferior (convergens): 4th – 9th rib

  1. Pars superior: Angulus superior of the scapula
  2. Pars intermedia: Margo medialis of the scapula
  3. Pars inferior: Margo medialis and angulus inferior of the scapula

Innervation: Nervus thoracicus longus from Plexus brachialis
Antagonists: Rhomboideus major and rhomboideus minor
Movement: tilts and pulls the shoulder blade forward into protraction and supports elevation with the pars superior


Serratus anterior Kraft Test, Scapular-assistance-Test

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