yogabook / muscles / rectus abdominis
M. rectus abdominis
the long, vertical abdominal muscle that shortens the distance between the pubic bone and the sternum. The rectus abdominis belongs to the expiratory respiratory muscles.
Origin: sternum, costal cartilage 5-7
Insertion: crista pubica
Innervation: ventral branches (Rami anteriores) of Th7 – Th12 and L1, L2
Movement: Abdominal press, lifting/tilting the anterior pelvis, lowering the anterior thorax, trunk flexion
Strengthening poses (672): navasana, jathara parivartanasana, supta dandasana at various angles, tolasana, parsva sarvangasana
Stretching postures (671): urdhva dhanurasana, upface dog, setu bandha sarvangasana, ustrasana, lying on the roller,