muscle: subscapularis

yogabook / muscles / subscapularis


Muskeln Subclavius Pectoralis major Serratus anterior Pectoralis minor Deltoideus Coracobrachialis Subscapularis Pectoralis major Teres major Coracobrachialis Latissimus dorsi Bizeps Brachialis brachioradialis Trapezius Sternocleidomastoideus Pectoralis major Latissimus dorsi Serratus anterior Trizeps (caput longum) Trizeps (caput mediale)

M. subscapularis

Scapulohumeral muscle of the shoulder girdle: the strongest internal rotator of the arm, originates on the front of the shoulder blade and attaches to the anterior upper humerus
Origin: subscapular fossa(ventral surface of the scapula)
Attachment: Tuberculum minus of the humerus
Innervation: Nervi subscapulares, short motor branches from Fasciculus posterior of the plexus brachialis (C5-C7)
Movement: internal rotation of the arm

  1. upper part: abduction
  2. lower part: adduction

Stretching postures (): Elbow stand, dog elbow stand, right-angled elbow stand, shoulder opening on the chair.


Lift-Off-Test, Belly-Press-Test