yogabook / muscles / obliquus externus abdominis

Mm. obliqui externi abdomini
Part of the oblique abdominal muscles, which are arranged in a roughly x-shape and can cause a curvature of the middle back, rotation of the spine and lateral flexion of the upper body. The obliqui externi abdomini are expiratory auxiliary muscles.
Origin: Rib 5-12
Attachment: Linea alba, lig. inguinale, crista iliaca, tuberculum pubicum
Innervation: ventral branches (Rami anteriores) of the spinal nerves Th5 – Th11
Movement: Flexion and rotation of the trunk, expiration
Strengthening postures (677): jathara parivartanasana, parsvakonasana
Stretching postures (676): Twisting pose, jathara parivartanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, maricyasana 1, maricyasanai 3, parivrtta ardha chanrasana, parivrttaparsvakonasanaparivrtta uttanasana, back extension: twisted.