yogabook / muscles / rectus femoris
M. rectus femoris
one of the four parts of the quadriceps muscle, the large knee jointextensor and the only biarticular one among them, extends in the knee joint, flexes in the hip joint. Tends to cramp in postures with the hip joint flexed and the knee joint extended, and is strongly stressed in a stretched state at hip opener 1 and hip opener 2
Origin: Spina iliaca anterior inferior and upper edge of the acetabulum (hip socket)
Attachment: Base of the patella, tibial tuberosity of the tibia
Innervation: Nervus femoralis (L2-L4)
Movement: Extension of the knee joint, flexion in the hip joint
Strengthening postures (817): navasana, setu bandha sarvangasana: eka pada variation, urdhva dhanurasana: eka pada variation, 1st hip opening, 2nd hip opening, 3rd hip opening, tolasana, eka pada prasarita tadasana
Stretching poses (816): supta virasana, quadriceps stretch 1, quadriceps stretch 2, ardha supta krouncasana, krouncasana in headstand, virasana in handstand, kapotasana
definite yoga liegender Rectus femoris Beweglichkeitstest (Hüftbeugerbeweglichkeitstest)
definite yoga Rectus femoris Beweglichkeitstest in Quadrizepsdehnung 1,
definite yoga Rectus femoris Beweglichkeitstest in supta virasana