yogabook / muscles / pectoralis minor
M. pectoralis minor
M. pectoralis minor
truncoscapular (truncozontal) muscle of the shoulder girdle: the small pectoral muscle, lies deeper than the large one, attaches centrally at the front on ribs 3-5 and pulls the shoulder blade forwards and downwards, i.e. it does not attach to the arm like the pectoralis major.
Origin: centered in front on ribs 3 – 5
Attachment: coracoid process of the shoulder blade
Innervation: Nn. pectoralis medialis (C8-Th1) and lateralis (C5-C7) from Plexus brachialis
Movement: pulls the shoulder blade downwards and obliquely forwards, inspiratory respiratory support muscle when the arm is propped up
Strengthening postures (): tolasana, upface dog.
Stretching postures (): all postures with elevation of the shoulder blade, increasedback extension, hyperbola, urdhva dhanurasana, downface dog, especially the „wide“ variation, right-angled handstand, right-angled elbow stand, handstand, elbow stand, gomukhasana, parsvakonasana, caturkonasana, lying on a roll, dvi pada viparita dandasana, eka pada viparita dandasana.