yogabook / muscles / brachioradialis
monoarticular elbow flexor. It supinates the forearm from a final pronation of approx. 20° or pronates the forearm from a final supination by approx. 100°. Due to its long lever arm, it is the typical weight-bearing flexor of the elbow joint, especially when the forearm is pronated.
Origin: Outer edge of the humerus (Crista supracondylaris lateralis)
Attachment: Radius (styloid process)
Inneravtion: Nervus radialis from plexus brachialis (C5-C6)
Movement: Flexion of the elbow joint, supination of the forearm
Strengthening postures (): Postures with arm flexion to be performed such as ardha_baddha_padma_pascimottanasana, tensebiceps, twisting pose, upface dog, janu sirsasana, pasimottanasana, sarvangasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, tryanga mukhaikapada pascimottanasana, uttanasana: pull on the lower legs.
Stretching poses (): Postures with outstretched, pronated arm such as downface dog, upface dog, handstand, back extension, right-angled handstand.