asana: tryangamukhaikapada pascimottanasana

yogabuch / asanas / tryangamukhaikapada pascimottanasana

tryangamukhaikapada pascimottanasana
„intensive stretching of the west on 3 limbs with face to one leg“

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last update: 12/30/2018
Name: tryangamukhaikapada pascimottanasana
Trivial name: intense stretch of the west on 3 limbs with face to one leg
Level: A


classic: seated forward bend
psychomental: calming
physiological: stretching of the hamstrings with contralateral maximum flexion of the knee joint


This posture is contraindicated in the case of acute disc disease in the lumbar spine, as the lumbar spine is clearly flexed. The resulting rounding of the back can be even more pronounced than in other seated forward bends, as the flexion in the hip joints occurs against the restrictions of the mono-and biarticular hipextensors.



In this seated forward bend, unlike in janu sirsasana, for example, the pelvis can hardly deviate, which usually makes the pose more precise in terms of stretching the hamstrings. Prepare the back of the leg well with :

  1. uttanasana as a generally effective and efficient stretch of the ischiocrural group to prepare for flexion in the hips in this pose
  2. prasarita padottanasana
  3. parsvottanasana
  4. pascimottanasana
  5. janu sirsasana
  6. tryangamukhaikapada pascimottanasana
  7. downface dog as another good preparation for the hamstrings when the pelvis is tilted powerfully
  8. hip opener 5 as a very effective stretch of the hamstrings that goes beyond uttanasana
  9. warrior 3 pose
  10. trikonasana
  11. parivrtta trikonasana

If not only the ischiocrural group but also other (monoarticular) extensors of the hip joint hinder flexion in the hip joint, practise in advance:

  1. half lotus forward bend
  2. hip opener at the edge of the mat
  3. hip opener 3
  4. maricyasana 1
  5. maricyasana 3
  6. malasana

In order to be able to bend the bent leg sufficiently so that there is no longer any significant lateral tilt due to the fact that the remaining extension moment in the bentknee joint pushes the corresponding hip upwards, practise the following beforehand: :

  1. virasana
  2. supta virasana
  3. Quadriceps stretch 1 on the wall
  4. ardha supta krouncasana


derived asanas:

similar asanas:

Diagnostics (No.)

(501) Shortening in the latissimus dorsi / pectoralis major:

A great deal of flexibility is required from the latissimus dorsi when gripping the front outer foot. If this is not the case, it is noticeable as a significant stretch to the side of the shoulder blade. If the grip to the outer foot is not successful despite quite good flexibility in the hamstrings, this may be due to restricted flexibility of the latissimus dorsi or the pectoralis major. Lordosis

(650)(651) Kyphosis, lordosis, scoliosis of the spine:

In this pose, the spine should round significantly (with less good flexibility of the hamstrings) to moderately (with good flexibility) – corresponding to the flexion in the hip joints – but in any case relatively evenly. Deviations from this, individual vertebrae or areas of vertebrae that protrude dorsally, disappear ventrally or stray laterally, indicate anomalies in the shape of the spine. See also the FAQ.


with a stick under the thigh


  1. Sit on the floor and fold your left leg under as in virasana.
  2. Stretch your right leg out in front of you. The left knee is next to the right.
  3. Pull the right buttock back and bend the upper body forward towards the right leg.
  4. Reach with the left hand to the right outer foot close to the heel. Support yourself on the floor with your right hand to the right of the straight leg if you tend to tilt to the side. If you have good flexibility in the hamstrings, reach with the right hand over the left hand onto the outer foot and support yourself on the floor with the right elbow to keep the upper body straight and both shoulders equally high.
  5. Tilt the pelvis forwards as far as possible(flexion in the hip joints), bend the arms as far as possible and pull the upper body as far as possible towards the right foot.


  1. Avoid tilting the upper body to the right as far as possible. If flexibility in terms of flexion in the hip joints is less good, push the right side of the body upwards with the right arm until both shoulders are at the same height. If flexibility is good, the right elbow can be supported on the floor and the right hand can also pull on the right outer foot, reaching over the left. If necessary, the forehead can be placed on the lower leg, but the head should continue to move towards the right foot.
  2. If the ability to bend the left knee joint is limited, it will be helpful to sit with the right buttock on a raised surface, e.g. a mat folded several times. It is then all the more important to pull the right buttock outwards before starting to tilt forward. If the left knee joint develops pain when bending, which is probably not or not predominantly due to a lack of flexibility in the left quadriceps, place a piece of folded mat in the squat if necessary and sit with both buttocks on an elevation. Support the left buttock only as much as is necessary to avoid pain in the left knee joint and the right buttock as much as is necessary to reduce the feeling of tipping sideways to a tolerable level. If there is still pain in the left knee joint, practise other forward bends instead.
  3. The right leg is in exactly the same position as in tadasana: straighten the knee joint and push the outer foot and heel away.
  4. The left elbow moves out to the left, the arm is approximately in a horizontal plane, depending on your flexibility.


with a stick under the thigh

This variation is often suitable for improving the irritation of the biceps femoris at its origin at the ischial tuberosity, or more precisely, for creating the preconditions for this.


  1. Place a stick crosswise under the affected thigh, approximately halfway along the thigh.
  2. Now perform the posture so that the biceps press firmly on the thigh when the leg is fully extended. As the stick will not move out of the way, the biceps will be forced to move out of the way of the stick, which will lengthen it a little.


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