muscle: biceps (arm)

yogabook / muscles / biceps (arm)


Muskeln Subclavius Pectoralis major Serratus anterior Pectoralis minor Deltoideus Coracobrachialis Subscapularis Pectoralis major Teres major Coracobrachialis Latissimus dorsi Bizeps Brachialis brachioradialis Trapezius Sternocleidomastoideus Pectoralis major Latissimus dorsi Serratus anterior Trizeps (caput longum) Trizeps (caput mediale)

M. biceps brachii (arm-biceps)

the two-headed (caput longum and caput breve) biarticular muscle that spans the shoulder joint and elbow joint and acts as an arm flexor as well as being a scapulohumeral muscle of the shoulder girdle executing moderate lateral abduction (the caput longum) and lateral adduction (the caput breve) with one of its heads. It is also clearly involved in anteversion and is the strongest supinator, but only up to the vertical of the hand (which contributes to the supinators being stronger than the pronators); on the other hand, it also pronates up to the middle position of the hand.

According to studies, the biceps depresses the humeral head , thus counteracts external impingement, stabilizes anteriorly and posteriorly and is involved in limiting exorotation and endorotation. In addition, it is known to abduct frontally /antevert and abduct laterally with the caput longum.


  1. caput longum: supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula, radiating into the superior glenoidlabrum
  2. caput breve: coracoid process of the scapula

Attachment: Radial tuberosity of the radius and via the lacertus fibrosus on the ulna
Innervation: Nervus musculocutaneus from plexus brachialis (C5-C6 or C7 resp.)
Antagonists: Triceps
Movement: Flexion at the elbow joint, strong supination of the forearm from a pronated position or pronates the forearm from a supinated position, frontal abduction. Additionally: Caput longum: lateral abduction, caput breve: lateral adduction.
Strengthening poses (312): ardha_baddha_padma_pascimottanasana, tensebiceps, twisting pose, upface dog, janu sirsasana, pasimottanasana, sarvangasana, setu bandha sarvangasana, tryanga mukhaikapada pascimottanasana, uttanasana: pull on the lower legs
Stretching poses (311): purvottanasana, prasarita padottanasana: arms behind the back, uttanasana: arms behind the body


Yergason-Test, O’Brien-Zeichen (Active Compression), Active Compression Test Biceps-Load-Test, Passive Distraction Test, Biceps-Load-2-Test, Dynamic Labral Shear Test, SLAP Läsion Test Cluster (SLAP Lesion Cluster), Palm-Up-Test, Speed-Test, Jobe-(Empty Can) Test, Popeye-Sign, Reverse Popeye-Sign, Ludington’s Test
definite yoga Schulterretroversionstest in purvottanasana, definite yoga Schulterretroversionstest in uttanasana