yogabook / muscles / semitendinosus
originates on the lower posterior lateral ischium at the ischial tuberosity together with the caput longum of the leg biceps directly above the origin of the semimembranosus and attaches to the upper inner posterior tibia together with the gracilis and sartorius. It is involved in extension in the hip joint and in endorotation of the lower leg in the knee joint.
Origin: ischial tuberosity (ischial tuberosity)
Attachment: Tibia at the pes anserinus superficialis
Innervation: Rami musculares of nervus tibialis (L5-S2)
Movement: Extension in the hip joint, flexion of the knee joint and endorotation of the lower leg
Stretching postures (721): ardha baddha padma pascimottanasana, tryangamukhaikapada pscimottanasana, pascimottanasana, janu sirsasana, parivrtta janu sirsasana, parsva upavista konasana, upavista konasana: forward bend, parivrtta parsva upavista konasana, uttanasana, prasarita padottanasana, 3. Warrior pose, trikonasana, parivrtta trikonasana, ardha chandrasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana, 5. Hip opening, handstand: eka pada, hanumanasana, hasta padangusthasana, downface dog, headstand: eka pada, krouncasana, supta krouncasana, parsvottanasana, right-angled handstand, right-angled elbowstand, back extension, shoulderstand: eka pada, supta konasana, supta padangusthasana, vasisthasana.htm, deadlift.