
yogabook / movement physiology / bursae


Most common bursae

Bursae of the hand

Bursa extensoris carpi radialis brevis

Bursa between the insertion tendon of the extensor carpi radialis brevis and the base of the metacarpal bone 3.
Linkmap: Hand, wrist, dorsal, profound

Bursa flexoris carpi radialis

Bursa located on the scaphoid tuberosity, which is useful due to the hypomochlion function of the tuberosity.
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Bursa flexoris carpi ulnaris (distalis)

Bursa between the insertion tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris and the base of the pisiform bone.
Linkmap: Hand, wrist, palmar, semi-superficial

Bursae intermetacarpophalangealae

Bursae between the bases of the ossae metacarpaliae
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Radial bursa

Bursa of the tendon sheath for flexor pollicis longus and flexor pollicis brevis, which extends into the carpal tunnel. It sometimes communicates with the ulnarbursa there.
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Bursae subcutaneae digitorum dorsales

Bursae located between the skin and the dorsal sides of the interphalangeal joints
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Bursae subcutaneae metacarpophalangealae dorsales

Rare, inconstant bursae between the skin and the dorsal sides of the MCP, usually occurring on the little finger.
Linkmap: Hand, wrist, dorsal, superficial

Ulnar bursa

Bursa of the tendon sheath for flexor digiti minimi, which continues into the carpal tunnel. It sometimes communicates with the radialbursa there.
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Bursae of the elbow

Bursa anconei

Bursa located between the lateral epicondyle and the origin of the anconeus. This bursa can communicate with the joint space.

Bursa bicipitoradialis

between the insertion tendon of the biceps brachii and the insertion of the biceps on the anterior part of the radial tuberosity. The bursa is primarily important as a buffer during pronation and supination of the arm, whereby it is compressed during pronation. An inconstant bursa cubitalis interosseus is sometimes located in its neighbourhood between the attachment tendon of the biceps and the ulna or the chorda obliqua.
Linkmap: Inner elbow, profound

Bursa brachialis

Inconstant, rarely occurring submuscular bursa between the lateral edge of the brachialis and the joint capsule.

Bursa cubitalis interossea

less common (20%) inconstant bursa between the insertion tendon of the biceps and the proximal ulna. It is one of two bursae in the cubital fossa and is particularly important for low-friction gliding during pronation and supination.
Linkmap: Inner elbow, profound

Bursa extensoris carpi radialis brevis proximalis

Subtendinous bursa deep to the tendon of origin of the extensor carpi radialis brevis.

Bursa extensoris carpi ulnaris

Subtendinous bursa deep to the tendon of origin of the extensor carpi ulnaris

Bursa extensoris carpi radialis longus

Submuscular bursa of the extensor carpi radialis longus to the deeper lying lig. anuare radii.

Bursa intertendinea olecrani

in the insertion tendon of the triceps at the olecranon or between this and the proximal ulna .
Linkmap: Medial view of the elbow

Bursa subcutanea epicondyli medialis

Also known as bursa subcutanea epicondyli ulnaris, an inconstant bursa that occurs rarely and usually only in the dominant arm.
Linkmap: Medial view of the elbow

Bursa subcutanea epicondyli lateralis

Inconstant subcutaneous bursa over the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, occurs rather rarely and usually only in adults.

Bursa subcutanea olecrani

a non-communicating bursa between the tuber olecrani at the upper end of the ulna and the skin. It extends to the base of the triceps. Bursitis develops here primarily as a result of mechanical stress such as prolonged, frequent leaning on the olecranon, which is why it is also known as Student’s elbow.
Linkmap:. Medial elbow

Bursa subtendinea tricipitis brachii

a profound bursa, also known as bursa subtendinea olecrani, between the insertion tendon of the triceps and the olecranon at the proximal end of the ulna
Linkmap: Medial view of the elbow

Bursae of the shoulder

Bursa costoclavicularis

Bursa located between the two parts of the sternoclavicular ligament(anterior sternoclavicular ligament and posterior sternoclavicular ligament).

Bursa infracoracoidea

Non-communicating bursa between the tip of the coracoid process, extending along the tendon of the short head of the biceps to the joint capsule.

Bursa Lig. coracoclavicularis

Non-communicating bursa located between the conoid ligament and the trapezoid ligament.
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Bursa pectoralis majoris

Non-communicating bursa between the attachment tendon of the pectoralis major and the tendon of the biceps, caput longum.

Bursa pectoralis minoris

Rare, inconstant, non-communicating bursa between the attachment tendons of the subscapularis and pectoralis major.

Bursa serratus anterior superior

Bursa between subscapularis and serratus anterior to the superior scapular angulus. It can communicate with an inconstant bursa accessoria.

Bursa serratus anterior inferior

Submuscular bursa between the serratus anterior and the chest wall at the angulus inferior scapulae. It can communicate with an inconstant bursa accessoria.

Subacromial bursa

large bursa between the attachment tendon of the supraspinatus and other neighbouring structures such as the acromion, coracoid process, coracromial ligament and deltoid. It communicates with the subdeltoidbursa.
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Bursa subcoracoidea

Bursa between the root of the coracoid process and the subscapularis, which already runs as a tendon. It communicates with the joint cavity and the subtending subscapularisbursa.
Linkmap: Shoulder joint, ligaments

Bursa subcutanea acromialis

Non-communicating subcutaneous bursa over the acromion.
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Bursa subdeltoidea

Bursa between the deltoid and the capsule of the shoulder joint. It extends under the acromion and the coracoacromial ligament and communicates with the subacromialbursa.
Linkmap: Shoulder joint, sectional view

Bursa subtendinea infraspinati

Only rarely communicating bursa between the insertion tendon of the infraspinatus and the capsule of the shoulder joint
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Bursa subtendinea latissimus dorsi

Bursa between the attachment tendon of the latissimus dorsi and that of the teres major.

Bursa subtendinea subscapularis (subscapular recess)

Bursa between the attachment tendon of the subscapularis and the tendon of origin of the coracobrachialis on the one hand and the capsule of the shoulder joint on the other. Ventrally there is an opening to the joint cavity of the shoulder joint (Weitbrecht foramen) which breaks through the joint capsule and glenohumeral ligament. The bursa communicates with the subcoracoidbursa and the joint capsule.
Linkmap: Glenoid and surrounding area

Bursa subtendinea teretis majoris

Non-communicating bursa located between the attachment tendon of the teres major and the ventromedial humerus close to the attachment.

Bursa trapezoidea

Inconstant bursa caudal to the trapezius near its attachment to the scapula and spina scapulae

Bursae of the pelvic / hip region

Bursa bicipitis femoris superior

Rarely occurring inconstant bursa located on the ischial tuberosity between the tendon of origin of the biceps femoris and that of the semimembranosus.

Gluteofascial bursa

Bursa located between the tendon of origin of the vastus lateralis and the attachment tendon of the gluteus maximus at the level of the confluence of the attachment tendons of the gluteus maximus and the tensor fasciae lata, sometimes also referred to as the trochanteric bursa (without any further addition).

Bursae gluteofemorales

Usually several bursae between the femoral shaft and the insertion area of the gluteus maximus.

Bursa ischiadica glutaei maximi

Bursa between the caudal edge of the gluteus maximus and the ischial tuberosity

Bursa iliopectinea (also: Bursa subiliaca)

Bursa between the iliopsoas and the eminentia iliopubica of the ilium and partly the joint capsule, which is necessary due to the deflection of the iliopsoas. The bursa communicates inconstantly (14%) and then also not from birth with the underlying hip joint. It is 5-7 cm long approximately longitudinally of the leg and 2-4 cm wide (approximately transverse).
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Bursa ischiadica obturatorii interni

Bursa between the insertion tendon of the internal obturator tendon and the cartilaginous surface of the lesser sciatic incisura, which becomes necessary due to the deflection of the tendon of the internal obturator tendon over the incisura as a hypomochlion. This bursa usually continues between the Gemelli.
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Bursa obturatoris interni

Bursa between the insertion tendon of the obturator internus and the joint capsule of the hip joint.

Bursa pectinei

Bursa located between the attachment tendons of the pectineus and iliopsoas.

Bursa piriformis

Inconstant bursa between the greater trochanter and the piriformis insertion tendon

Bursa quadratus femoris

Bursa located between the attachment tendon of the quadratus femoris and the crista intertrochanterica, which serves as a hypomochlion.

Bursa recti femoris

Bursa located between the cranial edge of the acetabulum and the rectus femoris.

Bursa subcutanea ischiadica

Inconstant subcutaneous bursa between skin and ischial tuberosity.

Bursa subcutanea sipna iliaca anterior superior

Subcutaneous bursa between skin and SIAS

Bursa subcutanea trochanterica

Subcutaneous bursa between the skin and the greater trochanter.

Bursa subtendinea iliaca (iliaca subtendinea)

Bursa located between the lesser trochanter and the pectineus and iliopsoas insertion tendons

Bursa trochanterica musculi glutei maximi

Bursa between the greater trochanter of the femur and the tendon of the gluteus maximus
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Bursa trochanterica musculi glutei medii

Bursa between the cranial part of the greater trochanter of the femur and tendon of the gluteus medius
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Bursa trochanterica musculi glutei minimi

Bursa between the greater trochanter of the femur and the tendon of the gluteus minimus
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Bursa vesicularis semimembranosi

Bursa between the tendon of origin of the semimembranosus ventrally and the quadratus femoris and adductor longus muscles dorsally.

Bursae of the knee region

Bursa anserina

in the area below the knee joint between the inner collateral ligament and the common insertion tendon of the semitendinosus, sartorius and gracilis on the pes anserinus superficialis. The bursa ensures that the structures can move relative to each other.
Bursitis mainly affects (breast) swimmers and runners.
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Bursa bicipitis femoris inferior

Constant, non-communicating bursa between the lateral collateral ligament and the insertion tendon of the biceps femoris.
Linkmap: Poplitea profunda

Bicipitogastrocnemial bursa

Inconstant bursa located between the insertion of the biceps femoris and the lateral caput of the gastrocnemius.
Linkmap: Poplitea profunda

Bursa capitis tibialis gastrocnemii

Other name for the bursa subtendinea gastrocnemii medialis

Bursa gastrocnemiosemimembranosa

Bursa between the medial head of the gastrocnemius and the insertion tendon of the biceps femoris, which in 1/3 of cases communicates with the inconstant bursa subtendinea gastrocnemii medialis, whereby the communication channel is only open during flexion of the knee joint. This bursa is considered the main site of popliteal cysts(Baker’s cysts). This bursa is also regarded as the union of the bursa subtendinea gastrocnemii medialis and the bursa subtendinea semimembranosi in the case of the existence of a communication channel.

Bursa infrapatellaris profunda

usually non-communicating bursa between the patellar ligament and the outer layer of the joint capsule or Hoffa’s fat body. Both forms of an infrapatellar bursa (profunda and subcutanea) are often caused by prolonged kneeling in an otherwise upright position, which is why the bursitis is called „clergyman’s knee“. Sporting activities can also be a trigger.
Linkmap: Lateral view of the knee joint, bursa
Linkmap: Knee joint, 90° flexed
Linkmap: Patella
Linkmap: Knee joint, sagittal view

Bursa infrapatellaris subcutanea

Bursa between the patellar ligament and skin. Both forms of an infrapatellar bursa (profunda and subcutanea) are often caused by kneeling for long periods in an otherwise upright position, which is why the bursitis is known as „priest’s knee“. Sporting activities can also be a trigger. The bursa can communicate with the bursa subcutanea praepatellaris and the bursa subcutanea tuberositas tibiae.
Images: (not yet available)

Bursa Lig. cruciatorum

Inconstant bursa in the fatty connective tissue that lies between the collagen fibres of the cruciate ligaments.

Medial patellar bursa

Inconstant bursa between patella and retinaculum patellae mediale.

Lateral patellar bursa

Inconstant bursa between the patella and the lateral patellarretinaculum.

Bursa poplitei

communicating bursa, also known as the subpopliteal recess or popliteal recess, which lies between the tibia, the outer meniscus and the tendon of origin of the popliteus. It is inconstantly connected to the tibiofibular joint and then connects both joint cavities.
Linkmap: Lateral view of the knee joint, bursa
Linkmap: Poplitea profund

Bursa sartorii proprii

Bursa located between the superficial and deep tendon layers before insertion of the Sartorius.

Bursa subaponeurotica praepatellaris

Inconstant (80%) bursa between the patella, quadriceps tendon and the superficial fascia. It can communicate with the bursa subcutanea praepatellaris and the bursa subfascialis praepatellaris.

Bursa subcutanea epicondyli tibialis

Inconstant subcutaneous bursa on the medial epicondyle of the tibia, occasionally triggered by mechanical stress(pressure), for example in horse riders.

Bursa subcutanea praepatellaris

Inconstant, often non-communicating bursa located under the skin in front of the kneecap. It is also known as the prepatellar recess. Frequent kneeling can lead to its inflammation(bursitis)(bursitis praepatellaris, Housemaid’s knee, common in roofers, tilers or carpet layers, for example). Communication may take place with the bursa infrapatellaris subcutanea, bursa subfascialis praepatellaris, bursa subaponeurotica praepatellaris.
Linkmap: Patella
Linkmap: Knee joint, sagittal view

Bursa subcutanea tuberositatis tibiae

Inconstant subcutaneous bursa over the tibial tuberosity that develops as a reaction to repetitive kneeling activities. This bursa is at the top of the list of occupational bursitis of the knee.

Bursa subfascialis praepatellaris

Often non-communicating bursa between the patella and its ventral fascia (fascia superficialis). It may communicate with the bursa subcutanea praepatellaris and the bursa subaponeurotica praepatellaris
Images: (not yet available)

Bursa subtendinea gastrocnemii medialis

communicating bursa between the medial condyle of the femur and the tendon of the medial origin of the gastrocnemius. In addition to communicating with the knee joint, both bursae of the gastrocnemius can also communicate with each other.
This bursa is also known as the bursa capitis tibialis m. gastrocnemii.
Linkmap: Poplitea profund

Bursa subtendinea gastrocnemii lateralis

communicating bursa between the lateral condyle of the femur and the lateral tendon of origin of the gastrocnemius. In addition to communicating with the knee joint, both bursae of the gastrocnemius can also communicate with each other.
This bursa is also known as the bursa capitis fibularis m. gastrocnemii.
Linkmap: Poplitea profund

Bursa subtendinea praepatellaris

Generally non-communicating bursa under the tendon fibres of the quadriceps or the patellar ligament directly on the patella
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Bursa subtendinea semimembranosi (musculi semimembranosi, semimembranosa tibialis)

communicating bursa between the attachment tendon of the semimembranosus and the medial condyle of the tibia or the medial origin of the gracilis.
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Suprapatellar bursa

Bursa located proximal to the patella between the distal femur and the attachment tendon of the vastus intermedius of the quadriceps. It allows the tendon to glide against the bone. The bursa communicates with the joint cavity from the 5th (foetal) month and is therefore also called the suprapatellar recess. It extends from the cranial patellar pole up to 8 cm cranially.
Linkmap: Lateral view of the knee joint, bursa
Linkmap: Patella
Linkmap: Knee joint, sagittal view

Bursa suprapatellaris intermuscularis accidentalis

Inconstant, rarely occurring bursa between the rectus femoris ventrally, the vastus intermedius dorsally and the vastus medialis or vastus lateralis medially or laterally. It is located more superficially than the anterior and superior recess of the joint capsule and the suprapatellarbursa.

Bursae of the foot / ankle

Bursae of the talocrural joint region

Bursa subcutanea calcanea (Bursa praeachillaea)

The bursa subcutanea calcanea is a bursa located laterally on the calcaneus between the Achilles tendon and the skin and is larger than the bursa tenidis calcanei.
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Bursa subcutanea malleoli fibularis

Subcutaneous bursa over the lateralmalleolus

Bursa subcutanea malleoli tibialis

Subcutaneous bursa over the medial malleolus muscle

Bursa subtendinea tendinis calcanei (Bursa subachillea, Bursa tendinis calcanei)

The calcaneal tendon bursa is located between the Achilles tendon and the proximal surface of the calcaneal tuberosity of the calcaneus. Each dorsiflexion of the ankle causes an increase in pressure in this bursa, which is filled with approx. 1 – 1.5 ml of synovial fluid. Foot misalignments and irritation of the Achilles tendon favour the development of bursitis
Images: (not yet available)

Bursa subtendinea tibialis anterioris

The bursa subtendinea tibialis anterioris lies between the tendon sheath of the tibialis anterior, the medial surface of the medial sphenoid bone and the first metatarsal bone. It communicates with the neighbouring medial tarsometatarsal joint.
Images: (still without)

Bursae of the foot

Bursae intermetatarsophalangeae

Bursae located dorsally between the metatarsal heads and the bases of the proximal phalanges, which sometimes communicate with other regional bursae from about the 15th ly.

Bursa interossei

Subtendinous bursae between the attachment tendons of the interossei and the joint capsules. These occasionally communicate with each other.

Bursa lumbricalis

Bursae that surround the lumbricales in the shape of a sheath and are sometimes surrounded by accessory bursae.

Bursa sinus tarsi

Inconstant, but usually present subtendinous bursa between the loop of the extensor digitorum longus tendon insertion and the collum tali.

Bursa subcalcanea

Subcutaneous bursa over the plantar surface of the calcaneus

Bursa subcutanea basis ossis metatarsalis 5 dorsalis

Inkonstante subkutane Bursa dorsal über der Basis des Os metatarsale 5.

Bursa subcutanea basis ossis metatarsalis 5 plantaris

Inkonstante subkutane Bursa plantar unter der Basis des Os metatarsale 5.

Bursa subcutanea capitis ossis metatarsalis 1 dorsalis

Inconstant subcutaneous bursa dorsally over the caput of the metatarsal bone 1. This bursa occurs more frequently in the presence of hallux valgus.

Bursa subcutanea capitis ossis metatarsalis 5 dorsalis

Inconstant subcutaneous bursa dorsally over the caput of the metatarsal bone 5.

Bursa subcutanea capitis phalangis

Subcutaneous dorsal bursae over the interphalangeal joints of toes 2-4, sometimes communicating with the joint cavity.

Bursa subcutanea capitis tali medialis

Subcutaneous medial bursa over the caput tali, which is mainly found in the presence of a pes planus(flat foot).

Bursa subcutanea capitis tali lateralis

Inconstant subcutaneous lateral bursa over the caput tali, which is mainly found in the presence of a pes varus (tilt foot, often part of the clubfoot).

Bursa subcutanea ossis cuneiformis medialis

Inkonstante, selten vorkommende subkutane Bursa über dem Os cuneiforme mediale

Bursa subcutanea plantaris capitis ossis metatarsalis 5

Meist akzessorisch vorkommende inkonstante subkutane Bursa plantar über dem Caput des Os metatarsale 1

Bursa subcutanea tuberis ossis navicularis

Inconstant subcutaneous bursa over the tuber ossis navicularis, which is sometimes found in the presence of a pes planus(flat foot).

Bursa subcutanea tuberositas ossis metatarsalis 5

Inconstant subcutaneous bursa over the laterally protruding base of the 5th metatarsal bone. This bursa is frequently found in the presence of a pes planus(flat foot), sometimes also accessory.

Bursa subtendinea extensoris hallucis longus

Rare inconstant subtendinous bursa between the insertion tendon of the extensor hallucis longus and the caput os metatarsale 1

Bursa subtendinea fibularis brevis

Subtendinous bursa between the insertion tendon of the fibularis brevis and the base of the metatarsal bone V

Bursa subtendinea tibialis anterioris

Subtendinous bursa between the tendon of the tibialis anterior and that of the medial side of the medial os cuneiforme

Bursa subtendinea tibialis posterioris

Subtendinous plantar bursa between the tendon of the posterior tibialis and the plantar calcaneonavicular ligament

Bursa synovialis subretinacularis

Subligamentäre Bursa zwischen dem profunden Anteil des Retinaculum extensorum inferius und dem Talus.

Bursa tendinea extensoris hallucis longus

Synonym zu Bursa subtendinea extensoris hallucis longus

Bursa tendinis fibularis tertius

Subtendinous bursa between the insertion tendon of the fibularis tertius and the base of the metatarsal bone V